Meet the 2021 – 2022 Officers: Emma Agnew
In 2021 – 2022, the Democratic Party of Craighead County’s Vice Chair is Emma Agnew. Here’s a short interview with her.

We’re all incredibly excited she’s willing to lend her time, experience, and energy to our leadership committee!
You can learn more about Emma on the leadership page.
Q1: How did you get involved with political organizing?
A1: I have always had an interest in being a part of making tings better for a country, state, and communities; So becoming a part of a formal organization was just a natural transition for me.
Q2: What’s your favorite thing about working for positive change in your community?
A2: That’s easy — the results!
Q3: What new things are you hoping to learn during your term on the DPCC Executive Committee?
A3: I would like to earn more about the Party in general and become more involved in State issues.
Q4: What public figure inspires you to stay in the fight for justice and equity?
A4: They are too numerous to mention; But a few include: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Stacey Abrams; Kamala Harris; John Lewis; President Barack Obama; Elie Wiesel; Nelson Mandela; AND for totally different reasons, Donald Trump.
Q5: If you could give new organizers one piece of advice, what would it be?
A5: Learn as much as you can as fast as you can and be an active participant in the process—use your voice!