Run for Something

Run for Something

Yes, you can run for office. 🙂

Groups all over the country, including those founded after the 2016 General Election, have invested resources in encouraging a diverse set of citizens to run for public office. From Emerge America to Run For Something, there are tons of excellent groups out there to answer your questions about running for office. Here are some to browse:

Even now, public service can be out of reach for Democrats and progressives without generational wealth and a strong base of community support. This locks most potential candidates—often marginalized citizens like women, non-binary folks, and people of color—who would be excellent public officials out of the process completely. This is especially true in poor and rural communities like ours. The Democratic Party of Craighead County is determined to break this historical cycle and build the next generation of diverse, progressive leadership in Northeast Arkansas.

Offices you can run for (although we recommend experience in lower office before seeking state-wide/federal office):

  • U.S. Senate
  • U.S. House
  • Governor
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Secretary of State
  • Treasurer of State
  • Auditor of State
  • Attorney General
  • Commissioner of State Lands
  • State Senate
  • State House
  • Appellate Court Judge
  • Circuit Court Judge
  • District Court Judge
  • Prosecuting Attorney
  • Sheriff
  • Circuit Court Clerk
  • County Clerk
  • Assessor
  • Coroner
  • Treasurer
  • Tax Collector
  • Eastern District Deputy Clerk
  • Eastern District Deputy Sheriff
  • County Judge
  • County Surveyor
  • Quorum Court (Justice of the Peace)
  • Mayor
  • City Council
  • City Clerk
  • City Attorney
  • School Board