What We Believe

What We Believe

Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security

It’s time to raise wages, rebuild our unions, and protect the fundamental rights of workers. We can level the playing field by expanding access to affordable housing, reinvest in social programs without dehumanizing work requirements that hurt the marginalized and disabled, and continue protecting and expanding Social Security to ensure a dignified retirement.

Create Sustaining Jobs

Our infrastructure needs a revitalization and reimagining for the 21st century, which we can do while creating clean energy jobs that pay a living wage. We can work together to make this a reality by pursuing an innovation agenda: science, research, education, and technology. This will require investment in our public schools, our technical colleges, and public universities.

Fight For Economic Fairness and Against Inequality

By reining in Wall Street, promoting competition, and ending corporate concentration, we can claw back the wealth that’s being hoarded by a small group of billionaires at the very top of our economy. By making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes and by promoting trade that is fair and benefits American workers, we can start to help regular people stop living paycheck to paycheck.

Bring Americans Together and Remove Barriers to Opportunities

We must challenge and combat systemic racism and close the racial wealth gap. We must reform our criminal justice system, stop the murder of Black citizens by community police, repair our immigration system, and find a humane and just way to grant citizenship for people seeking a future in our country. We can expand access to justice by work to ensure that civil rights are guaranteed to women, Indigenous Americans, disabled people, and the LGBTQ+ community.

Protect Access to Democracy

Voting rights are under systemic attack by those who want to suppress Democratic and progressive voices. We must protect and expand voting rights by making it easier to register to vote, lengthening early voting, and working toward the implementation of vote by mail, used successfully in several other states. We can also strengthen our democracy by reforming our campaign finance system and holding elected officials and candidates accountable for taking dark money.

Combat Climate Change and Secure Environmental Justice

By transitioning from natural gas and coal to wind and solar power, we can build an economy that lives up to our state’s motto—a true Natural State. We can ensure that at risk populations aren’t in danger due to drilling, fracking, or pollution, and we can continue to protect our public lands and waters.

Provide Quality and Affordable Education

Throughout our history we’ve expanded public education access in stages. It’s time to expand it again to include debt-free college, technical school, and robust universal pre-K to help all kids get a head start, not just kids with wealthy parents. The student debt crisis, which has robbed a generation of economic power, deserves a national resolution. Investment in HBCUs and public school districts that have a high population of marginalized students can help offset the challenges that these student populations and their families have acquiring affordable, quality education and access to higher education later in life.

Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans

Healthcare is a human right. No one should struggle with illnesses because they don’t have money; survival should never be pay to play. No one should have to file for bankruptcy due to a surprise diagnosis and obscene medical bills. We must find a universal health care option, support rural hospitals, and invest in our community health centers. We must fight to lower prescription drug costs and for the recognition of mental and dental health and the roles they play in physical health. Across the South, abortion access is under attack with unnecessary, illegal legislation, and we must continue to advocate for the people who need access to abortion care. Gun violence and death are only accelerating; it’s time for red flag laws and more complete background checks so communities can act before violence erupts.